Georgia Naturopath

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Very Berry Maca Almond Breakfast Cake

Are you looking for a quick and easy breakfast solution? Or a good protein snack?

I’ve been cooking more breakfast cakes lately! Suitable as a protein good fibre breakfast topped with yoghurt and fresh berries or coconut oil/butter or just as. Can have for breakfast or morning or afternoon tea. Lately I’ve been enjoying the protein top up as an afternoon tea with a cup of green tea - gets me through to dinner just nicely!

This recipe is: GF, sugar free (there’s a bit of coconut sugar), DF and can be egg free if you prefer. If you do like eggs the below recipe is with organic large eggs, just to let you know.

Here’s one for those who love berries:

Very Berry Maca Almond Breakfast Cake

This recipe makes 2 loaf sized cakes. Or 1 large and 2/3. Will keep in fridge for up to 2 weeks.


1/2 cup White chia seeds

4 cups Almond meal

2 heaped soup spoons maca powder

2 punnet rasberries 

1 punnet blueberries

1 tsp of vanilla essence (optional)

1 tsp Baking soda

1/3 cup Coconut sugar

3 x eggs or 2 x large eggs

3 cups of boiled water

1 x loaf sized cake tin/silicone cake tin.

If you prefer egg free you can replace the eggs with 2 teaspoons of xanthin gum.

Turn oven on to 180 degrees C

Very Berry Maca Almond Breakfast Cake served with cashew & coconut yoghurt and fresh strawberries. Plus a cup of licorice, peppermint & green tea for an afternoon pick me up.


Add a punnet of raspberries & vanilla essence to the boiled water and bring to the boil. When boiled pull aside and zap with the hand blender.

Combine all the dry ingredients and mix. Make a well in the middle and add both eggs & raspberry mix and mix through thoroughly. I like to use a whisk for this as it seems to mix more evenly and less lumps. When it gets thick I then convert over to a wooden spoon and fold the ingredients through. 

(Tbh the method of mixing just might be my personal preference rather than actually making a difference.)

Once mixed evenly add the whole blueberries & remaining raspberries. 

Prepare the cake tin with coconut oil, if need to. Add mix to at least 1cm before the top, put in oven. 

Set timer for 35 mins. Timing depends on your oven. When this first comes out of the oven the inside will still be moist and will stick to the skewer. After cooling down it sets. Once cooled if still too moist inside next time leave in for longer, can do a lower temp for longer in case of burning also.  

Let me know how you go.. Enjoy!