Georgia Naturopath

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Stewed apples... Good for Digestion

When I think of stewed apples it reminds me of desserts I had growing up, old recipes passed down from my Nanna. As it turns out, they weren’t just yummy, but great for digestion too.

Here’s a quick rundown why:

The sour taste of Granny Smith apples is malic acid which is used within our cells to make cellular energy (krebs cycle), and particularly useful for muscle repair. It is commonly used as an extract in sports recovery formula’s for this reason. However, in context of digestion it is great to support healthy muscle tone along on intestinal tract to support peristalsis. Peristalsis is the term referring to the intestinal muscles contracting and relaxing to move digesting contents along. If you’re experiencing intestinal cramping, it’s often to do with impaired peristalsis, which is very common in loose bowels, constipation or just intestinal discomfort.

Pectin is fibre in apples and pears (higher in apples) which is a very good prebiotic for our digestion. That means, it promotes the growth of the good bacteria in our gut (probiotics) and helps our intestinal cells to make their own energy. Plus being a soluble fibre it’s useful in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. It’s often included in digestive tract supplements, and is why apples are including in homemade jam - it makes the jam jam and not watery. Skin on - pectin is found in high amounts in the apple skin.

Alongside other nutrients including vitamins C, K, potassium and other notable antioxidants such as quercetin and catechins, plus natural sugars such as fructose and some glucose. Of course these vary from apple to apple, and some effects maybe be reduced by cooking, but still present with gentle heat.

Add a little dark brown or coconut sugar to balance the sour taste of malic acid, and cinnamon to aid in digestion (cinnamon is considered a warming caminative in herbal terms). Cinnamon is also a prebiotic which helps to slow the absorption of sugars thus aids maintaining blood glucose levels. This combo is a good one, and taste’s delicious!

Here’s a base recipe for stewed apples. Good for recovery from gastro, maintaining good digestion or just a easy, yummy and naturopath approved dessert.


  • 3 Granny Smith apples

  • 2 teaspoons of coconut or muscado dark brown sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (or to taste)

  • 1 cup of water


  • core and slice apples, skin on.

  • add all ingredients to a saucepan, turn on medium heat (6-7) with lid on.

  • when starts to steam stir until apples become soft and no longer firm.

  • remove from heat.

  • store in fridge.

Served with yoghurt, LSA or on top of porridge. I’ve even served it on top of a firm organic tofu for extra protein.

For gastro recovery can have a serve 2-3 x daily with LSA for 1 week after or until digestion settles back to normal. Great alongside your probiotics too.

Do you have any other combo’s? I love hearing about weird and wonderful food combo’s!

Granny Smith apples - heroes for digestion and yummy desserts.

photo credit: Photo by Kotagauni Srinivas on Unsplash