Georgia Naturopath

What Is A Naturopath?

I want you to understand your own body.

What is your body trying to tell you when you’re not feeling well or not quite right?

Is it emotional, mental, beliefs and perspectives, physical, energetic, or all of the above?

Working together—using naturopathy and kinesiology—you will learn how to feel better and live a happy life in the full wonder of wellness.


Is this you?

  • Sick of feeling sick?

  • GPs don’t know what’s wrong?

  • Don’t even know where to start to get well again?

  • Worried that kinesiology and naturopathy is a bit woo woo for you?

I’m Georgia, and I’m here to get your health back on track.

With kinesiology, naturopathy, and good food, herbs or extra nutrients, we’re going to work together to get you feeling like your old self again.

Maybe even better!

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